Our Services
We have a long history of providing these services to our clients and have a deep understanding of the specific needs of these industries.
Project Management
GIS Mapping Services
Area Checks
Contract/Agreement Negotiations
Easement Acquisitions
Mineral and Surface Title Examination
Title Research and Analysis
Title Curative
Preparation, Negotiation and Acquisition for Mineral Leasing
Interested Parties/Representative Line Lists
Mass Mailing Preparation and Execution
3-D Seismic Permitting/Leasing
Mineral and Royalty Acquisitions
Due Diligence
Project Management
GIS Mapping Services
Title Research and Analysis
Wind & Solar Agreements
Right of Way Agreements
Permitting: Federal, State, Local
Site Characterization
Project Management
GIS Mapping
Right of Way Negotiation and Acquisition for Fee, State, Indian and Federal Land
Surface Title Research and Analysis
Permitting: Federal, State, Local
Surface Sight Acquisition
Document Retrieval
Conveyance/Mortgage Research
Current Owner Research
GIS Mapping
Project Management
GIS Mapping Services
Area Checks
Contract/Agreement Negotiations
Title Research and Analysis
Title Curative
Due Diligence